we all scrambled out the door down the hill. The behind the hall .the garden smelt of soil and dirt.I saw all of the soil and plants. we4 can hear trees waving in the wind. shaurav walks up to the garden he fills his cup of full of soil It felt yuck and gross
Petunias are ornamental plants that have showy flowers, that attract insects and hummingbirds.
There are 35 species in the Petunia genus and they are from the family Solanaceae, which is the family of nightshades, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco and eggplants.
Petunias are commonly hybrid annuals, with many different sizes and forms and some will flower all year.
Petunias are native to South America and are best grown in tropical areas.
Petunias are available in two main types, ‘grandiflora’ and ‘multiflora’, with Grandi floras having larger but fewer flower, and multiflora having plentiful but smaller flowers, and Milli floras are also available which are mini plants with mini flowers.